


Formula: Ba3(VO4)2
Simple vanadate of barium, tuite group, palmierite supergroup
Crystal System: Trigonal
Specific gravity: 5.044 calculated for the empirical formula
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless

Metamorphic environments


At the type locality, the Gurim anticline, Hatrurim Basin, Tamar Regional Council, Southern District, Israel, two new (in 2013) barium-bearing minerals, gurimite and hexacelsian, were discovered in veins of paralava cutting gehlenite-flamite hornfels. Gurimite and hexacelsian occur in oval polymineralic inclusions in paralava and are associated with gehlenite, pseudowollastonite or wollastonite, rankinite, flamite, larnite, schorlomite, andradite, fluorapatite, fluorellestadite, kalsilite, cuspidine, aradite, zadovite and khesinite.
Gurimite and hexacelsian form elongate crystals less than 10 μm thick. The minerals are colourless and transparent with a white streak and vitreous lustre. It is suggested that after relatively fast crystallisation of the main constituents of the paralava, gurimite, hexacelsian and also other barium-bearing phases crystallised from residual melt enriched in incompatible elements (see Wikipedia article) that filled interstices between crystals of the main constituents (MM 81.4.1009-1019).

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