Formula: La2(CO3)3.8H2O
Hydrated carbonate
Specific gravity: 2.61
Hardness: 2½ to 3
Streak: White
Colour: White, yellowish, pinkish, transparent
The lanthanites are rare secondary carbonates typically formed by
alteration or weathering from earlier rare-earth-element-bearing
minerals (Webmin)
The type Locality for lanthanite-(La) is the Bastnäs Mines, Riddarhyttan, Skinnskatteberg, Västmanland County,
Sweden. Here lanthanite-(Ce) is also found, as a late-stage, low
temperature mineral, occurring as a crystalline film coating cracks in the
cerium ore. Sometimes crystals to 1 mm are found in allanite-bearing
actinolite skarn
(Minrec 35.3.196-197).
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