Formula: CaGd2(UO2)24(CO3)8Si4O28.60H2O
Compound carbonate, gadolinium-bearing
uranyl mineral
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 3.97 measured, 4.01 calculated
Streak: Light yellow
Colour: Bright yellow
Sedimentary environments
Hydrothermal environments
Lepersonnite-(Gd) is a unique species being the only approved and named mineral with dominant gadolinium; to date
(February 2024) it has been found only at the type locality
At the type locality, the Shinkolobwe Mine, Shinkolobwe, Kambove District, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo, lepersonnite occurs as
mammilary crusts and as isolated spherules made up of radiating acicular crystals, together with hydrated uranium oxides near
primary uraninite in the lower
part of the oxidation zone. Associated minerals include bijvoetite,
sklodowskite, curite,
uranophane, becquerelite,
rutherfordine and studtite
(AM 68.1248 abstracted from CM 20.231-238).
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