Formula: CaV5+6O16.3H2O
hewettite group
Specific gravity: 2.51 to 2.94
Hardness: Soft
Streak: Maroon to brownish red
Colour: Deep red, red to orange in transmitted light
Solubility: Slightly soluble in water
Sedimentary environments
Hydrothermal environments
Metahewettite occurs in uranium-vanadium deposits as a result of the
dehydration of hewettite as impregnations in
sandstone. Associated minerals include
hewettite, gypsum and
selenium. Metahewettite reversibly
hydrates to hewettite
(HOM, Mindat).
The type locality is the Thompsons Mining District, Grand county, Utah, USA, that is a Colorado Plateau-type
uranium-vanadium deposit.
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