Formula: NaV5+O3
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 2.877 measured, 2.926 calculated
Hardness: 1
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless
Solubility: Readily soluble in water
Metamunirite may form by dehydration of munirite (Mindat). It
is extremely rare, and occurs in cavities in vanadium-bearing
sandstone. Associated minerals include
rossite, metarossite,
pascoite and clay minerals.
The type locality is the Burro Mine, Slick Rock Mining District, San Miguel County, Colorado, USA. The most common
vanadates occurring among efflorescences within weathered
vanadium-bearing sandstone,
are pascoite, hummerite and
huemulite. In more alkaline environments
rossite and metarossite are more
rarely found. Excellent examples of rossite have been found in the Burro mine,
which transform to metarossite through loss of water.
Metamunirite has also been found here as clusters of radiating colourless needles up to 0.2 mm in length in
cavities in the sandstone
(MM 55.509-513).
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