Formula: CaB3O3(OH)5.H2O
Hydrated triborate, inderite group
Crystal System: Triclinic
Specific gravity: 2.12 measured, 2.116 calculated
Hardness: 2
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless, white
Solubility: Readily soluble in acids
Meyerhofferite occurs typically as a minor component of sedimentary or lake-bed borate deposits, associated with
inyoite, colemanite,
hydroboracite and ulexite
At Monte Azul, Plano, Argentina, meyerhofferite forms pseudomorphs after
(KL p183).
At the Qaragol boron mine, Zanjan province, Iran, The major mineral in the Qaragol borate deposits is
hydroboracite, with minor presence of other borates such as
colemanite, inyoite,
meyerhofferite and szaibélyite. The meyerhofferite is associated
with inyoite and colemanite
The type locality is the Monte Blanco mine, Black Mountains, Amargosa Range, Inyo county, California, USA.
Meyerhofferite occurs principally as an alteration product of the dehydration of inyoite,
and forms pseudomorphs after it
(Mindat, Webmin).
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