





Formula: Ca2B5O7(OH)5.H2O
Hydrated pentaborate
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 2.42 measured
Hardness: 3 to 3½
Streak: White
Colour: White, colourless in transmitted light
Solubility: Insoluble in water, readily soluble in acids

Evaporite deposits
Hot spring deposits

Priceite is found in hot spring deposits and volcanic sublimates, and it is also a component of borate-enriched evaporites; it may be derived from colemanite (HOM).


At the Monte Blanco area, Black Mountains, Amargosa Range, Inyo county, California, priceite has been found as white veins associated with colemanite in basaltic tuff (AM 41.689-700).

At the Furnace Creek Wash, Furnace Creek Mining District, Inyo county, California, USA, priceite has been found as nodules and irregular masses embedded sporadically in a soft greenish grey shale. Near the surface the mineral is in soft chalky masses associated with colemanite and gypsum. With depth, the priceite becomes harder and more compact (AM 9.11, 24.728).

At Corkscrew Wash, Ryan, Furnace Creek District, Inyo county, California, USA, priceite has been found filling cracks in a dark olive green altered basalt hillock. The priceite has been altered in part to delicate radiating needles of ulexite, or to sharp crystals of colemanite. Another occurrence of priceite is as amygdule fillings in the altered basalts, some of them reaching the size of a large potato (AM 24.728, 41.689-700).

At the type locality, the Lone Ranch Priceite Prospect, Curry county, Oregon, USA, priceite is associated with aragonite (Mindat).


Evidence suggests that priceite is derived from colemanite; thin sections of priceite from the Monte Blanco area, Inyo county, show corroded euhedral inclusions of colemanite surrounded by fine crystalline priceite (AM 41.689-700).

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