Formula: Na18Cu12Fe3+O8(AsO4)8Cl5
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 3.715 calculated
Streak: Greyish green with an olive hue
Colour: Dark greyish green to olive-greenish black
Arsmirandite is a relatively new mineral, approved in 2014 and to date (September 2023) reported only from
the type locality.
At the type locality, the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Second scoria cone, Northern Breakthrough, Great Fissure
eruption, Tolbachik Volcanic field, Milkovsky District, Kamchatka Krai, Russia, arsmirandite occurs
as a sublimate around the active volcanic fumarole. Associated minerals include
lehmannite, hematite,
sanidine, sylvite,
halite, tenorite,
cassiterite, rutile, and 40
other species
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