Formula: CuB(OH)4Cl
Anhydrous monoborate containing halogen
Specific gravity: 2.81
Hardness: 2½
Streak: Pale blue
Colour: Deep blue with greenish portions becoming greener with atacamite inclusions, blue in transmitted light
Solubility: Decomposed by water, leaving a residue of green copper borate. Readily soluble in NH4OH, to
form an intense blue solution. Less readily soluble in hydrochloric or nitric acid
Common impurities: Fe
Bandylite alters readily to eriochalcite upon exposure to air
At Taltal, Antofagasta Province, Antofagasta, Chile, bandylite occurs with
At the type locality, the Queténa mine, Toki Cu deposit, Chuquicamata District, Calama, El Loa Province, Antofagasta,
Chile, bandylite is of secondary origin, occurring in a
leached zone above massive iron sulphates. It occurs as tabular or pyramidal
crystals to 5 mm and almost lichen-like radial clusters in joints in the rock. Associated minerals include
antofagastaite, atacamite
and eriochalcite
(AM 23.85-90, HOM, Mindat).
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