Formula: BiOCl
Oxychloride, matlockite group, forms a series with
Specific gravity: 7.36
Hardness: 2 to 2½
Streak: White
Colour: Cream-white, greyish, yellowish brown; colourless in thin section
Solubility: Totally soluble in acids. Re-precipitates upon considerable dilution.
Common impurities: Fe,OH
Metamorphic environments
Bismoclite is formed by the oxidation of bismuth or
bismuthinite, usually under arid conditions
At Bygoo, New South Wales, Australia, bismoclite has been found in greisen, associated with
(HOM, AM 28.536-540).
At the type locality, Jakkalswater, Steinkopf, Namakwa District, Northern Cape, South Africa, bismoclite has been found in an alluvial
specimen, found near bismuth-bearing granite pegmatites, associated with
mica and bismutite
(Mindat, HOM).
Near Dalbeattie, Scotland, UK, bismoclite is associated with atacamite,
connellite and uranium minerals
At the Tintic District, Utah, USA, bismoclite is associated with bismutite,
jarosite, alunite and
(HOM, AM 28.536-540).
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