Formula: Ni2Fe3+O2(BO3)
Anhydrous monoborate,
ludwigite group
Specific gravity: 5.17 calculated
Hardness: 7
Streak: Brown
Colour: Reddish brown, light grey
At the type locality, the Bon Accord Ni deposit, Barberton, Mbombela Local Municipality, Ehlanzeni District
Municipality, Mpumalanga, South Africa, bonaccordite occurs with
trevorite, liebenbergite,
népouite, nimite,
bunsenite, gaspéite,
violarite and millerite.
It is found as clusters of slender prisms up to 400 X 30 microns, forming veins in the other minerals and as
rosette-like radiating groups in liebenbergite and
(AM 61.502).
The deposit is a small tabular body of nickel-bearing
serpentinite, probably a
contact deposit, along the junction of
quartzite and an
ultramafic intrusive; it appears to have formed at ∼730oC
and less than 2 kbar during thermal metamorphism, possibly of a
nickel-rich meteorite
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