





Formula: SiO2 tectosilicate (framework silicate) Silica minerals stability diagram A high-pressure paramorph of quartz
Specific gravity: 2.92
Hardness: 7½ - 8
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless
Common impurities: Al,Fe,Na

Metamorphic environments

Coesite may be found in eclogite and kimberlite.
It is a mineral of the blueschist and eclogite facies.


Coesite is a high pressure paramorph of quartz. With increasing pressure, At 800oC alpha quartz alters to coesite at about 30 kbar pressure, then coesite alters to stishovite at about 90 kbar.
alpha quartz, beta quartz and coesite can co-exist at a point where the temperature is about 1,360oC and the pressure 34 kbar.
beta quartz and coesite can co-exist in equilibrium with the silica melt at a point where the temperature is about 2,410oC and the pressure 45 kbar.
With further increase in pressure and temperature, coesite can continue to exist up to about 2,770oC and 110 kbar pressure, at which point coesite, stishovite and the silica melt are in equilibrium (QP).

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