


Formula: (Na1.5Bi0.5)Ta2O6F
Oxide, microlite group, pyrochlore supergroup, bismuth- and tantalum- bearing mineral
Crystal System: Isometric
Specific gravity: 6.49 measured, 6.568 calculated
Hardness: 5
Streak: White
Colour: Green



At the type locality, the Alto Quixaba claim, Quixaba, Frei Martinho, Paraíba, Brazil, the granitic pegmatite consists of two different vein-like bodies, each with limited outcrop. Both pegmatites are discordant with respect to the biotite schist host-rock. The first pegmatite vein is sterile and without economic interest, whereas the second one shows distinctive mineralisation. The main minerals are perthitic microcline, quartz and muscovite, with large amounts of albite and amblygonite. Accessory minerals are mainly-blue elbaite, tantalite-(Fe), tantalite-(Mn), green beryl and fluornatromicrolite.
Fluornatromicrolite occurs as regular to flattened octahedral crystals up to 6 mm in size. The colour is green and the streak is white. The crystals have an adamantine lustre and are transparent in thin fragments (CM 49.4.1105-1110).
Fluornatromicrolite from the Alto Quixaba claim - Image

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