





Formula: Mg(SO4).5H2O
Hydrated sulphate, chalcanthite group
Crystal System: Triclinic
Specific gravity: 1.896 measured, 1.90 calculated
Hardness: 2½
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless, pale blue
Solubility: Soluble in water

Hydrothermal environments


At the Basse-Casamance Valley, Senegal, pentahydrite occurs in acid sulphate soils associated with alunogen and chalcanthite (HOM).

Near Miami, Arizona, USA, copper-bearing pentahydrite was collected from an efflorescent rim on a depression that had held water in a large waste-rock area. After dissolution of the efflorescence in water, and evaporation of the resulting liquid, alpersite precipitated and quickly dehydrated to copper-bearing pentahydrite. It is suspected that alpersite and copper-bearing pentahydrite are widespread in mine wastes that contain copper-bearing sulphides, but in which Fe2+ ions are not available for melanterite crystallisation because of oxidation to Fe3+ in surface waters of near-neutral pH (AM 91.261-269).

At the type locality, the Cripple Creek Mining District, Teller County, Colorado, USA, pentahydrite occurs as an efflorescence on shales associated with alunogen and chalcanthite (HOM).

At Virginia City, Comstock Mining District, Storey County, Nevada, USA, pentahydrite occurs as an efflorescence on mine timbers associated with alunogen and chalcanthite (HOM).

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