Formula: KLiMg2Si4O10F2
Phyllosilicate (sheet silicate), biotite subgroup,
trioctahedral mica group,
mica group, lithium-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 2.83 to 2.90 measured 2.80 calculated
Hardness: 2½ to 3
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless, brownish green
Tainiolite is a late-stage mineral in nepheline syenite pegmatites
(Webmin, Dana, HOM).
At the type locality, the Narsaarsuk pegmatite, Narsaq, Greenland, Denmark, tainiolite is associated with
quartz and dickite (HOM).
At the Lovozero massif,Russia, tainiolite is associated with natrolite,
apatite, neptunite,
polylithionite and manganoan pectolite
At Coyote Peak, California, USA, tainiolite is associated with natrolite,
pectolite, aegirine,
barytolamprophyllite and rasvumite
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