Formula: Na6Ti5Si12O34(O,OH)5.11H2O
Inosilicate (chain silicate), zorite group, titanium-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 2.27 to 2.40 measured, 2.23 calculated
Hardness: 3 to 4
Streak: White
Colour: Rose-red, pink, can appear white or colourless in individual crystals
Solubility: Insoluble in water, slowly decomposed by dilute hydrochloric or nitric acid with the formation of
silica gel
Common impurities: Zr,Fe,Nb,Ta,Mn,Mg,Ca,K,F,C,P
At the type locality, the Yubileinaya pegmatite, Karnasurt Mountain, Lovozersky District, Murmansk Oblast, Russia,
zorite was found with raite in the alkalic
pegmatite on walls of fractures and cavities filled by
nepheline. Associated minerals include
aegirine, mountainite,
raite and natrolite.
Zorite occurs as intergrowths of prismatic acicular rosy coloured, vitreous crystals 1-2 mm long and as
polycrystalline plates up to 10 X 6 X 0.5 cm3
(AM 58.1113-1114).
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