Formula: Cu3Au
Alloy of copper and gold,
auricupride subgroup,
perovskite supergroup,
paramorph of bogdanovite
Crystal System: Isometric
Specific gravity: 11.5 measured, 13.77 calculated
Hardness: 3½
Colour: Yellow with a reddish tint; in reflected light, violet-rose
Auricupride occurs in hydrothermal veins probably formed below 390oC
(Ramdohr p336).
Associated minerals include gold, copper
and other gold-copper alloys
At the type locality, the Zolotaya Gora Au deposit, Soimon Valley, Karabash ophiolite massif, Karabash, Chelyabinsk
Oblast, Russia, auricupride occurs in serpentinites as the
product of low-temperature ordering and unmixing of gold -
copper solid solution alloys
At Rheinfelden, Aargau, Switzerland, auricupride occurs in reduction halos in Permian (298.9 to 251.9 million
years ago) red beds
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