


Formula: Ca3(SbSn)(AlO4)3
Oxide, bitikleite group, garnet supergroup, antimony- and tin- bearing mineral, Forms solid-solution series with kerimasite, kimzeyite, morimotoite, schorlomite and toturite
Crystal System: Isometric
Specific gravity: 4.505 calculated
Colour: Light yellow or colourless

Metamorphic environments

Bitikleite is a relatively new mineral, approved in 2009 and to date (July 2023) reported only from the type locality


At the type locality, Xenolith no. 1, Lakargi Mountain, Upper Chegem volcanic caldera, Baksan Valley, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, bitikleite has been found as an accessory minerals in the cuspidine zone of high-temperature skarn in a carbonate-silicate xenolith at the contact with ignimbrite. The bitikleite series forms a solid solution with garnets of the kimzeyite - schorlomite and toturite type. Antimony-garnets form crystals up to 50 µm across containing kimzeyite cores and thin subsequent zones of complex lakargiite - tazheranite- kimzeyite pseudomorphs after zircon (AM 95.7.959-967).
Associated minerals include wadalite, toturite, tazheranite, rondorfite, magnesioferrite, larnite, lakargiite and kimzeyite (Mindat).

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