Formula: (Al,Fe)1.3(V5+,V4+,Fe3+)8O20.7.5H2O
Hydrated vanadate,
straczekite group
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 2.97 to 3.1 measured, 3.41 calculated
Hardness: 3
Streak: Black, may be brownish black
Colour: Black
Melts at 950oC
Solubility: Slightly soluble in cold acids with the formation of a pale green solution, dissolves completely in
40% KOH or NaOH
Sedimentary environments
Hydrothermal environments
Bokite occurs as a constituent of uranium-vanadium ores in triassic
stream channels, and impregnating
There are two co-type Localities, the Balasauskandyk V Deposit, Shieli, Kyzylorda Region, Kazakhstan and the Kurumsak
V Deposit, Aksumbe, Turkistan Region, Kazakhstan. Bokite occurs as platy to columnar or wedge-shaped grains, to
0.3 mm long, in carbonaceous vanadiferous
shale. Associated minerals include
kazakhstanite and jarosite
At the Monument No. 2 mine, Monument No. 2 channel, Yazzie Mesa, Cane Valley Mining District, Apache County, Arizona,
USA, bokite occurs in rich uranium–vanadium ore in Triassic stream
channels and impregnating sandstone. Associated minerals include
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