Formula: (Ca,Pb)Cu2+Te6+O5(H2O)
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 4.644 calculated
Hardness: 2 to 3
Streak: Very pale bluish green
Colour: Light bluish green
There are two co-type localities, the Aga Mine and the Bird Nest drift, both at Otto Mountain, Baker, Soda Mountains, Silver Lake
Mining District, San Bernardino county, California, USA.
At the type localities eckhardite occurs in vugs in quartz in association with
bromine-rich chlorargyrite, gold,
housleyite, khinite,
markcooperite and ottoite. It is interpreted as
having formed from the partial oxidation of primary sulphides and
tellurides during or following brecciation of
quartz veins.
Eckhardite forms as light bluish green needles or blades up to about 150 × 15 × 5 mm3 in size, typically in radial or
sub-radial aggregates, but also as isolated needles
(AM 98.1617-1623).
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