





Formula: (Na,K,Ca)xMn6(Si,Al)10O24(OH)4.nH2O (x = 1-2; n = 7-11)
Phyllosilicate (sheet silicate), ganophyllite group, manganese-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 2.76 measured, 2.76 calculated
Hardness: 3 to 4
Streak: Light brown
Colour: Brown
Common impurities: Zn,Mg



At the type locality, Big Rock Quarry, Granite Mountain area, Little Rock, Pulaski county, Arkansas, USA, eggletonite occurs in small pegmatite or miarolytic pockets in nepheline syenite. The pegmatite pockets are surrounded by a bleached zone of altered syenite, which grades into pegmatitic texture and forms the inner surface of the cavities. Encrusting these wall minerals are albite, biotite, amphibole, titanite, apophyllite, natrolite, aegirine, zircon, analcime, and in some instances sprays of eggletonite.
The holotype specimen consists of massive albite with minor amounts of accessory biotite, aegirine, titanite and magnetite. The surface of the specimen, where eggletonite crystals grew freely into pockets, consists of albite crystals up to 15 mm, with numerous late-stage minerals in the interstices. Most abundant among these are an unanalysed amphibole and second-generation albite, with minor amounts of natrolite, apophyllite and eggletonite. The sequence of formation appears to be late eggletonite and albite, followed by amphibole, and lastly, eggletonite and natrolite (MM 48.93-96).
Other associated minerals include pyrophanite and kupletskite (HOM).

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