Formula: Fe3+O(OH)
Oxide containing hydroxyl, paramorph of
goethite and lepidocrocite,
both orthorhombic
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Specific gravity: 4.20 calculated
Streak: Yellow
Colour: Yellow-brown, brown
Magnetism: Magnetic
Feroxyhyte occurs in sea-floor (high pressure, low temperature, saltwater)
iron-manganese concretions, as cement
and coatings on clasts in chemically reduced, poorly drained soils and sediments; it is formed by the rapid oxidation
of ferrous compounds. Associated minerals are lepidocrocite and
(HOM, webmin)
At the type locality, Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine, feroxyhyte is associated with
lepidocrocite and goethite
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