





Formula: Ca[B5O8(OH)][B(OH)3].3H2O
Hydrated pentaborate
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 2.00 measured, 2.003 calculated
Hardness: 3
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless, white
Luminescence: Not fluorescent under UV

Volcanic igneous environments
Evaporite deposits


The type locality is the Hard Scramble claim, Ryan, Furnace Creek Mining District, Inyo county, California, USA.
Gowerite has been found at four localities in the Furnace Creek borate deposits. It was first found at the Mott open cut, but it is more abundant on the Hard Scramble claim.
At the gowerite localities, colemanite and priceite veins, generally less than 2 inches thick, occur in altered fragmented olivine basalt. The borate-veined basalt is in the Furnace Creek formation and lies above the main zone of colemanite and ulexite, which is in lake and stream sediments near the base of the formation. The gowerite is restricted to a weathered zone where the colemanite and priceite veins waste away within a few feet of the present surface of the hillsides and leave irregular aggregates of alteration products. Among these products of weathering at many localities, gowerite is one of the rarer borates, like sassolite and hydroboracite, in contrast to consistently abundant fluffy ulexite. Others, such as ginorite, meyerhofferite, colemanite and a magnesium borate of uncertain identity, seem to be intermediate in abundance.
Associated minerals include gypsum, thénardite and some limonite.
In the Mott open cut some of the scarce gowerite is in globular clusters, to 10 mm in diameter, of radiating small blades on remnants of a colemanite vein, and closely associated with crusts and clusters of subhedral crystals of meyerhofferite, some gypsum, and a small quantity of hydroboracite. Some of the gowerite at Mott forms small clusters in the loose aggregate from the weathered basalt, like the much more abundant ginorite associated with sassolite nearer the surface. Ulexite occurs throughout the weathered zone but is concentrated in the upper part.
The more abundant gowerite at the Hard Scramble locality is in compact globular clusters, commonly from 1 to 10 mm in diameter, within loose material weathered from the underlying basaltic rock and on vein-like coherent aggregates of meyerhofferite, also produced by the weathering of the priceite veins. Ulexite, ginorite and gypsum occur with the gowerite but are more widely distributed in the weathered material above the veins. Unlike those at the Mott locality, the alteration products at the Hard Scramble are derived from priceite, and no sassolite was found among them (AM 44.911-919).

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