




Formula: Ca2Mn2+Fe3+Si4O12(OH).2H2O
Sorosilicate (Si2O7 groups), manganese-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Triclinic
Specific gravity: 3.02 measured, 3.01 calculated
Hardness: 5½
Streak: Light orange-brown
Colour: Dark brown to light brown in thinner crystals

Metamorphic environments


At the type locality, the Fengjiashan mine, Daye county, Huangshi, Hubei, China, hubeite occurs in manganiferous skarn in three different associations.
Firstly, as aggregates to 5 mm of crystals to 1 mm of hubeite on euhedral crystals of quartz.
Also on flat, thin specimens covered on both sides with crystals of hubeite and its associates; one side is predominantly hubeite with minor inesite and apophyllite, and the other side has either approximately equal amounts of hubeite, inesite and apophyllite or predominant inesite with only minor hubeite and apophyllite.
In the third association massive to radiating inesite is partly covered by apophyllite and associated with ilvaite.
It is inferred that the hubeite was formed in mildly oxidising conditions, with available Fe (Minrec 33.6.465-471).
Hubeite from Fengjiashan - Image

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