


Formula: K2TiSi3O9.H2O
Inosilicate (chain silicate), umbite group, titanium-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity:
Hardness: 4
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless to white in aggregates

Hydrothermal environments

Kamenevite is a relatively new mineral, approved in 2017.


At the type locality, the Olenii Ruchei underground mine, Olenii Ruchei, The Carbonatite Stock in the vicinity of Tul'ilukht Bay, Khibiny Massif, Murmansk Oblast, Russia, kamenevite is found in two peralkaline pegmatites located at the Oleniy Ruchey mine and also at the Rasvumchorr mine. It is a hydrothermal mineral associated with lomonosovite, aegirine, villiaumite, pectolite, shafranovskite, ershovite, umbite, K-feldspar, sodalite and lamprophyllite.
Kamenevite occurs as lamellar crystals up to 0.02 × 0.1 × 0.3 mm3 and their aggregates up to 0.7 mm, or grains up to 0.15 mm across (EJM 31.557).

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