Formula: Fe3+3(As3+O2)4(As3+2O5)(OH)
Multiple oxide. Karibibite is not an arsenate with
As5+O4 groups, but rather it is classified as an oxide, with As3+. It is
indicative of an extremely arsenic-rich environment
(Minrec 38.5.379-381).
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 4.07 measured
Hardness: 1 to 2
Streak: Light yellow
Colour: Brownish yellow
Solubility: Readily soluble in dilute acids or in dilute alkali hydroxide solutions (Dana)
At Bou Azzer, Morocco, karibibite occurs in massive löllingite as world-class specimens of
crystal aggregates of karibibite associated with aggregates of parasymplesite and grains
of pharmacosiderite. It also forms aggregates on quartz
crystals with schneiderhöhnite, parasymplesite
and erythrite, and separately associated with
conichalcite and lavendulan
(Minrec 38.5.379-381, R&M 95.2.174-179).
At the type locality, Karibib, Erongo Region, Namibia, karibibite occurs in vugs in löllingite
in the Karibib pegmatite, associated with löllingite,
eosphorite, scorodite and
(AM 59.382, HOM, R&M 95.2.174-179).
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