


Formula: HgPb2
Alloy of mercury and lead
Crystal System: Tetragonal
Specific gravity: 11.96 calculated
Hardness: 1½
Colour: Grey-white
Solubility: Not soluble in hydrochloric, sulphuric or nitric acid

Plutonic igneous environments
Hydrothermal environments


At the type locality, the Xiaonanshan Cu-Ni-(Pt-Pd) deposit, Wuchuan County, Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia, China, only one grain (50 x 39 x 32 microns3) of leadamalgam has been found in the heavy concentrates of crushed ores from the platinum-bearing copper-nickel-sulphide deposit.
The ore minerals present are chromite, ilmenite, magnetite, gersdorffite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, violarite, millerite, galena, stibnite, electrum, niggliite, sperrylite, iridosmine, platinum, merenskyite and kotulskite (AM 70.216).

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