Formula: KNa8Mn3+5Mg0.5[Si12O30(OH)4](PO4)O2(OH)2.4H2O
Phyllosilicate (sheet silicate), manganese-bearing mineral
Specific gravity: 2.83
Hardness: 5
Streak: Red
Colour: Dark red-brown
Lipuite is a rare mineral, approved in 2015 and, to date (September 2021), known only from the type locality.
At the type locality, the N'Chwaning III Mine, N'Chwaning Mines, Kuruman, Kalahari manganese field, Northern Cape, South
Africa, lipuite occurs in a metamorphosed
manganese-zinc ore body as platy,
tabular, or granular crystals and veined agglomerate. Associated minerals include
manganese-bearing sugilite,
taniajacoite, pectolite,
richterite, norrishite and
(MM 83.5.645-654).
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