





Formula: (Na,Fe)2Ba2Sr2Ti2(SiO3)8(O,OH)2.H2O
Cyclosilicate (ring silicate), joaquinite group, monoclinic paramorph of orthorhombic strontio-orthojoaquinite, barium-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 3.68 calculated
Hardness: 5½
Colour: Green, yellow-green, yellow-brown
Common impurities: Li

Metamorphic environments
Hydrothermal environments

Strontiojoaquinite occurs associated with joaquinite-(Ce), neptunite, natrolite, albite, actinolite, crossite, benitoite and analcime (HOM).


The type locality, Mina Numero Uno, Picacho Peak, San Benito county, California, USA, is in a large lens of metamorphosed basalt, included as a tectonic block within a serpentine body. The basaltic block has been subjected not only to high pressure metamorphism, but also to considerable compositional modification by fluids during the emplacement of the peridotite and serpentinisation. The metamorphosed basalt is composed of a fine-grained intergrowth of albite, crossite and aegirine. The rock mass was fractured during the emplacement, forming cavities that are lined with recrystallised albite and crossite; the cavities also contain irregular concentrations of small crystals of benitoite, about 5 mm in size, and neptunite, and even rarer, smaller crystals, about 1 mm in size, of strontiojoaquinite.
Strontiojoaquinite was also found at a locality two miles southwest of San Benito Mountain. At this occurrence it is associated with abundant albite and actinolite and sparse benitoite (up to 10 mm across), neptunite, analcime and natrolite in veins cutting a tectonic block of metamorphosed graywacke.
The host rock is composed of a granular assemblage of albite, actinolite and titanite with the relict sandstone texture weakly discernible (AM 67.809-816).
Type material crystals of strontiojoaquinite were zoned with a joaquinite core (Mindat).

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