Formula: (Ca,Pb)3CaCu6O2[Te4+3Te6+O12]2(Te4+O)2(SO4)2.3H2O
Crystal System: Trigonal
Specific gravity: 4.65 to 5.38
Hardness: 3
Streak: Pale green
Colour: Viridian-green
Luminescence: No fluorescence in UV
Metamorphic environments environments
Hydrothermal environments
At the type locality, the Bambollita Mine, Moctezuma, Moctezuma Municipality, Sonora, Mexico, tlapappite was
found as thin paint-like films on rock fractures in and adjacent to thin veins cutting intensely
sericitised rhyolite
(AM 64.465). Associated minerals include sericite,
quartz, calcite and
Tlapallite from the Bambollita Mine -
At the Moctezuma mine, Moctezuma, Moctezuma Municipality, Sonora, Mexico, tlapappite occurs very rarely in
partially oxidised portions of a tellurium-bearing polymetallic
hydrothermal sulphide deposit, associated with carlfriesite,
calcite, baryte,
muscovite and quartz
The tlapappite occurs as thin, viridian-green coatings on fracture surfaces. Crystals are minute, appearing
as sheaves of radially arranged scales normal to the surface of botryoidal material. The spherules typically have a
smooth, shiny surface and may break readily into concentric, curved surfaces
(Minrec 55.6.852).
Tlapallite from Moctezuma - Image
At the Old Guard Mine, Tombstone, Tombstone Mining District, Cochise County, Arizona, USA, tlapappite occurs
as an alteration product of tellurides in
At the Upper dumps, North Star Mine, Mammoth, Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah, USA, tlapallite is a
very rare species that occurs as pale green spheres on quartz with an
unidentified sulphide mineral
(MinRec 55.2.226).
Tlapallite from the Upper Dumps - Image
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