Formula: CaMn2+Mn2+2Al2(PO4)4(OH)2.8H2O
Hydrated phosphate containing hydroxyl, whiteite subgroup,
jahnsite group,
manganese-bearing mineral
Specific gravity: 2.70
Hardness: 3½
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless to pale yellow
Solubility: Easily soluble in 10% hydrochloric acid at room temperature
At the type locality, the Hagendorf South Pegmatite, Hagendorf, Waidhaus, Neustadt an der Waldnaab District, Upper
Palatinate, Bavaria, Germany, whiteite-(CaMnMn) was found as a
secondary mineral on the walls of voids within altered
zwieselite crystals or from coronas up to 1 mm in diameter around cubic
crystals of uraninite in the core zone of a complex
granitic pegmatite
that was altered and leached by low-temperature oxidising hydrothermal solutions. Associated minerals include
fluorapatite, nordgauite,
columbite-(Fe), a Mn-analogue of
montgomeryite, koninckite,
jahnsite-(CaMnMn) and uraninite
(Mindat, HOM).
Whiteite-(CaMnMn) may also be in close association with and as inclusions in
(AJM 19.1.16).
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