Formula: Ca2Mn4+2Te6+2O12.H2O
Hydrated tellurate,
manganese-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 4.04 measured for porous material with trapped air, 4.97 calculated for the empirical formula
Hardness: 2 to 3
Streak: Copper-brown
Colour: Chocolate-brown
At the type locality, the Moctezuma Mine, Moctezuma, Moctezuma Municipality, Sonora, Mexico, xocolatlite
forms from the weathering of an epithermal quartz -
tellurium - gold vein system.
Associated minerals include quartz,
baryte, jarosite,
emmonsite, schmitterite and
Xocolatlite from Moctezuma - Image
At the Upper Dumps, North Star Mine, Mammoth, Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah, USA, xocolatlite is
found as glassy spheres measuring less than 1 mm and as crusts covering areas up to approximately a square millimeter
on a quartz matrix. It is commonly associated with
carlfriesite, dagenaisite,
dugganite, eurekadumpite,
leisingite, svanbergite and
(MinRec 55.2.228).
Xocolatlite from the Upper Dumps - Image
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