





Formula: Mn2+3(Mn2+,Mg,Fe3+,Al)42(As3+O3)2(As5+O4)4[(Si,As5+)O4]8(OH)42
Compound arsenate containing hydroxyl, manganese-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Trigonal
Specific gravity: 3.620 calculated
Hardness: 3
Streak: Very pale yellow
Colour: Pale yellow to yellow-orange
Luminescence: Not fluorescent under UV

Sedimentary environments
Metamorphic evironments
Hydrothermal environments


At the type locality, E15-11 south stope, 11 level, Asis West sector, Kombat Mine, Kombat, Otavi Constituency, Otjozondjupa Region, Namibia, the mineralisation consists of epigenetic (formed later than the enclosing rocks), hydrothermal, and metasomatic replacement deposits, and fracture-filling copper-lead-(silver) sulphides, and a strong metamorphic overprint has given rise to lenses of manganese-oxide, iron-oxide, and iron-silicate minerals.
Carlfrancisite was found in 1982 associated with alleghanyite, chlorite, pyrochroite, spinel and ribbeite. Carlfrancisite and associated manganese silicates and oxides occur as metamorphosed lenses associated with copper-lead-silver sulphide ores in feldspathic sandstone that have subsequently been reworked by late hydrothermal solutions (AM 98.1693-1696).

At the Garpenberg Norra mine, Garpenberg, Hedemora, Dalarna County, Sweden, garpenbergite occurs with carlfrancisite and minor stibarsen, paradocrasite and filipstadite in a fractured skarn matrix of granular jacobsite, alleghanyite, kutnohorite and dolomite (MM 86.1.1–8).

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