





Formula: Cu3Te6+O4(OH)4
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 4.45 measured, 4.455 calculated
Hardness: 3
Streak: Pale green
Colour: Emerald-green, dark green in transmitted light
Luminescence: No fluorescence was observed in long or short wave V.V.
Solubility: Readily dissolved by cold or warm 1:1 hydrochloric and nitric acid, insoluble in water

Hydrothermal environments


At the type locality, the Bambollita Mine, Moctezuma, Moctezuma Municipality, Sonora, Mexico, there are two thin veins exposed in the mine, and cesbronite occurs in only one. This vein is closer to the portal and is more severely oxidised than the other vein (where quetzalcoatlite occurs). The primary mineralogy of both veins is the same: hessite - bornite - galena. Early oxidation products in the vein are electrum, teineite and carlfriesite. Cesbronite comes later, appearing when the primary ores are wholly decayed or are completely enveloped in secondary products. While cesbronite may occur on these relics, usually it is found filming fractures up to several inches away. Often it is found directly upon spherules of a dark-green copper - iron - tellurium mineral; just as commonly this unknown mineral has disappeared, leaving a hollow crystalline spherule of cesbronite. The last mineral in the sequence is a pea-green amorphous copper - iron - tellurium mineral that is ubiquitous in the vicinity of both veins.
Although cesbronite is widely distributed along the vein walls, there is not very much of it, perhaps just a gramme or so of material is available (MM 39.744-746).

At the Centennial Eureka Mine, Eureka, Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah, USA, jensenite is one of several copper-bearing tellurates that occur in the deposit; associated minerals include mcalpineite and xocomecatlite. Additional copper- and tellurium-bearing secondary minerals that have been found at this locality are cesbronite, frankhawthorneite, dugganite and quetzalcoatlite (CM 34.55-59).

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