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Formula: Ca12Al14O32[☐4F2]
Multiple oxide
Crystal System: Isometric
Hardness: 5½ to 6
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless, in places with greenish or yellowish tint
Luminescence: Not fluorescent

Metamorphic environents


At the type locality, Jebel Harmun, Quds Governorate, West Bank, Palestine, fluormayenite and fluorkyuygenite are major constituents of larnite pyrometamorphic rocks. Mineral associations of holotype fluormayenite and fluorkyuygenite are similar and include larnite, shulamitite, chromium-bearing spinelmagnesioferrite series minerals, ye’elimite, fluorapatitefluorellestadite, periclase, brownmillerite and oldhamite, as well as the retrograde phases portlandite, hematite, hillebrandite, afwillite, foshagite, ettringite, katoite and hydrocalumite. Fluormayenite and fluorkyuygenite form crystals, usually less than 20 μm in size. Fluorkyuygenite crystallized initially as fluormayenite, which later was altered under the influence of water vapour-enriched gases during a combustion process (EJM 27.123-136).
Other associated minerals include dzierżanowskite (MM 81.5.1073–1085) and harmunite (AM 99.965–975).

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