Formula: NaNa2(Mg2Al2Li)Si8O22F2
Inosilicate (chain silicate), amphibole
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 3.14 calculated
Hardness: 6
Colour: Light greenish-blue
Fluoro-leakeite is formed by the reaction of alkaline granite with post-magmatic fluids
rich in lithium and fluorine. Associated minerals include cámaraite,
riebeckite, aegirine and
At the Verkhnee Espe Massif, Akzhaylyautas Mountains, Tarbagatai Range, East Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, the
granite is strongly altered by late-stage hydrothermal activity, with
enrichment in fluorine,
lithium and rare earth elements. Partial breakdown of
aegirine, elpidite and
astrophyllite was accompanied by the formation of fluoro-leakeite,
polylithionite, quartz,
rutile and fluorite
(R&M 86.2.165).
At the type locality, Norra Kärr, Gränna, Jönköping, Jönköping County, Sweden, fluoro-leakeite occurs as isolated prismatic
crystals to 2 mm long in an alkaline intrusion that mainly comprises
nepheline syenite
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