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Formula: NaMn2+(Mn2+Fe3+)Fe3+2(PO4)4(OH)2.8H2O
Phosphate, jahnsite subgroup, jahnsite group, manganese-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 2.774 calculated from the empirical formula
Hardness: about 4
Streak: Pale yellow
Colour: Orange-yellow

Metamorphic environments


The type locality, the Wiperaminga Hill West Quarry, Boolcoomatta Reserve, Olary Province, South Australia, is situated in the mineralogically rich Curnamona Province, which has a long history of exploration and mining for base metals as well as industrial minerals such as feldspar, muscovite, beryl and baryte. The geology comprises greenschist to granulite facies metasediments overlain by relatively unaltered sediments and intruded by Mesoproterozoic (1,600 to 1,000 million years ago) granitic sheets and pegmatites. These are of the beryl - columbite - phosphate - rare-earth-element type. The Wiperaminga Hill pegmatites were worked for feldspar, muscovite and beryl.
Masses of primary triplite were found on the dumps of the eastern quarry. Secondary phosphate minerals developed through hydrothermal alteration and weathering in an oxidising, low temperature, acid environment. The triplite is mostly manganese-dominant with compositions extending to zwieselite, and secondary minerals are manganese- and iron- rich.
Jahnsite-(NaMnMn) was found on the mine dumps in a single cavity in a matrix of triplite, quartz, fluorapatite, and minor pyrite. Associated minerals are bermanite, phosphosiderite, strengite, and an unknown manganese-iron phosphate.
Jahnsite-(NaMnMn) forms aggregates of twinned prismatic crystals with individual crystals up to 80 microns in length and 25 microns across (CJMP 61.6.1163-1173)

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