Formula: Fe2+Zr(PO4)2.4H2O
Hydrated normal phosphate, malhmoodite group, zirconium-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 2.877 calculated
Hardness: 3
Streak: White
Colour: Creamy white
Metamorphic environments
At the type locality, Wilson Springs, Garland County, Arkansas, USA, the Union Carbide mine is located in a
contact region between alkalic igneous rocks and the surrounding sedimentary rocks. Small, creamy white spheres of
malhmoodite were found, less than 0.5 mm diameter, usually perched on greenish black sodic
pyroxene crystals in vugs in the
pyroxenite vanadium ore.
It is also associated with kolbeckite, and always appears to be the last
mineral to be deposited in the cavities where it occurs
(AM 78.437-440, Mindat).
At the Pink Rose Lode Quarry, Custer, Custer Mining District, Custer county, South Dakota, USA, malhmoodite
occurs in the granite
pegmatite as yellowish flat-lying plates, divergent groups on
a matrix of football-size masses of altered löllingite with
scorodite and parasymplesite,
and to a lesser degree karibibite,
schneiderhöhnite, kahlerite,
and 1–3 mm zircons. Malhmoodite was likely formed by residual fluids
carrying zirconium and phosphate.
(CM 60.3.485–492).
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