





Formula: Co(SO4).6H2O
Hydrated normal sulphate of cobalt, hexahydrite group
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 1.97 to 2.02 measured, 2.006 calculated
Hardness: 2½
Streak: White
Colour: Pink
Solubility: Soluble in water

Sedimentary environments
Hydrothermal environments

Moorhouseite may occur as dehydration product of bieberite (Mindat).


At the type locality, the Walton baryte mine, Walton, Hants county, Nova Scotia, Canada, moorhouseite has been found as water soluble efflorescences on a 2" x 4" x 8" specimen of sulphides in a baryte-siderite matrix from a hydrothermal lead-zinc-copper orebody associated with a large baryte deposit. Moorhouseite is closely associated with aplowite, as well as occurring with siderite and baryte, and both moorhouseite and aplowite probably were derived from a cobaltian-nickelian pyrite which is an abundant constituent in the deposit (CM 8.166-171, HOM).

At the Svornost mine, Jáchymov, Karlovy Vary District, Karlovy Vary Region, Czech Republic, moorhouseite is associated with koritnignite, köttigite and picropharmacolite (HOM).

Near Cameron, Cameron Mining District, Coconino County, Arizona, USA, moorhouseite occurs as crusts on sandstone (HOM).

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