





Formula: CuMg[Te6+O4(OH)2].6H2O
Tellurate, monoclinic paramorph of raisaite, which is also monoclinic
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 2.85 measured
Hardness: 2½
Streak: White
Colour: Deep blue

Metamorphic environments
Hydrothermal environments

Pararaisaite is a relatively new mineral, approved in 2018 and to date (November 2023) reported only from the North Star mine and dumps


The type locality, the North Star Mine, Mammoth, Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah, USA, exploited a polymetallic (gold - silver - copper - lead) vein deposit emplaced in contact-metamorphosed dolostone. The principle ore minerals were galena, cerussite and enargite and the prominent gangue minerals were quartz and baryte. A wide variety of oxidation-zone minerals has been collected from the mine dumps.
Pararaisaite is an oxidation-zone mineral known from only three crystals on the holotype specimen and a few small broken crystals on two other small specimens. It occurs as deep blue, striated prisms up to 0.4 mm in length in vugs in a matrix of massive quartz with embedded crystals of baryte and goldfieldite. The only associated secondary mineral is malachite, which occurs as crusts and cavity fillings (CM 56.811-820).

Pararaisaite from the North Star Mine - Image

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