





Formula: LiAlSi4O10
Phyllosilicate (sheet silicate), feldspathoid, lithium-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 2.412 to 2.422 measured, 2.4 calculated
Hardness: 6 to 6½
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless, white, grey, pink
Solubility: Insoluble in acids
Common impurities: Mg,Fe,Na,Ca,K,H2O


Petalite is found in granite pegmatites and related rocks, associated with spodumene, tourmaline, lepidolite, topaz, microcline, amblygonite, apatite, pollucite, columbite, albite variety cleavelandite and quartz (Dana, DHZ 4 p274).


The type locality is the Utö Mines, Utö, Haninge, Stockholm County, Sweden.

The Stankuvatske Li deposit, Ukrainian Shield, Central Ukraine, represents an uncommon case of recrystallised, fine-grained petalite ± spodumene metamorphosed pegmatite dykes with LCT (lithium - cesium - tantalum) affinity hosted in amphibolites and metamorphosed ultrabasic rocks. The metamorphosed pegmatite dykes show remnants of primary, pre-metamorphic zoning, with dominant magmatic albite, K-feldspar, quartz, lithium-phases (petalite, spodumene, rarely triphylite and montebrasite), and accessory muscovite, fluorapatite, columbite-(Fe), tantalite-(Fe), cassiterite, tantalum-rich rutile, zinconigrite, ferronigerite, gahnite, pyrite, sphalerite and zircon. The parental magma of the metamorphosed pegmatites was peraluminous, and enriched in lithium and phosphorus, though relatively poor in boron and fluorine during the late-magmatic stage. Metasomatic reactions between residual pegmatite magma and ultrabasic country rocks resulted in the precipitation of holmquistite, triphylite, fluorapatite, tourmaline and rubidium- and cesium- rich biotite. Secondary generations of fine-grained petalite, spodumene, albite and K-feldspar were formed during post-magmatic stages.
Indications are that metamorphic recrystallisation of the former lithium-rich granitic pegmatites occurred at relatively high-temperature (~600±50°C) and medium-pressure (~0.3−0.4 GPa) (MM 86.6.863-882).


Petalite alters to montmorillonite (Dana).

petalite to spodumene and quartz
LiAlSi4O10 ⇌ LiAlSi2O6 + 2SiO2
(DHZ 4 p274).

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