Formula: Ag4Pd3Te4
Telluride of silver and
telargpalite group
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 9.948 calculated
Hardness: 3½
Colour: Grey
Common impurities: Fe,Cu,Ni,Bi
Plutonic igneous environments
Hydrothermal envvironments
At Lac des Iles Complex, Lac des Iles Area, Thunder Bay District, Ontario, Canada, eleven
platinum group minerals have been identified in polished sections of drill-core
samples and heavy-mineral concentrates. They are braggite,
vysotskite, kotulskite,
isomertieite, merenskyite,
moncheite, sperrylite,
stillwaterite and sopcheite. In addition,
palladium occurs in solid solution in
melonite, gold/a> and
pentlandite. The
platinum group
minerals occur, with rare exceptions, in disseminated sulphides, and most are associated with
nickel minerals.
Sopcheite occurs as small, irregularly shaped areas in close association with
kotulskite and merenskyite. The
platinum group mineral grains are enclosed in
chalcopyrite and pentlandite,
which occur in the assemblage
(CM 22.233-237.
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