Formula: Pb10(SO4)O7Cl4.H2O
Halide, nadorite group
Crystal System: Triclinic
Specific gravity: 7.3 measured, 7.23 calculated
Hardness: 4
Streak: White
Colour: Pink
Common impurities
Symesite is a very rare mineral known only from the type locality to date (November 2020).
At the type locality, Torr Works Quarry, Cranmore, Mendip, Somerset, England, UK, symesite occurs as a
secondary low-temperature mineral formed from metalliferous brines moving along
fractures in the oxidised zone of a manganese-lead-copper deposit in limestone. It occurs as
crystal blebs up to 2 mm long and as crystalline aggregates up to 1 cm in diameter.
Associated minerals include cerussite, hydrocerussite,
paralaurionite, blixite,
chloroxiphite, pyrolusite,
coronadite, hematite,
parkinsonite and mereheadite
(AM 85.1526-1533, HOM). An example has been found with white symesite enclosing orange-brown
(JRS 13.25-26).
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