


Formula: Ca2CaUO6
Oxide, vapnikite subgroup, perovskite supergroup, uranium-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 5.322 calculated for the empirical formula
Hardness: 5
Streak: White with a yellow hue
Colour: Yellow-brown
Luminescence: Sometimes weak yellowish fluorescence under UV
Solubility: Insoluble in 10% hydrochloric acid

Metamorphic environments

Vapnikite is a relatively new mineral, approved in 2013. In the Hatrurim Formation it is formed by pyrometamorphism due to combustion of organic-rich material at temperatures above 800 °C, during a retrograde stage by fluids/melts of high alkalinity. Associated minerals include larnite, brownmillerite, ye’elimite, vorlanite and fluorellestadite (HOM).


At the type locality, Jebel Harmun, Quds Governorate, West Bank, Palestine, numerous tiny vapnikite grains, less than 10 microns in size, were discovered in larnite-rich pyrometamorphic pseudoconglomerates of the Hatrurim Formation. Larnite rocks were formed by pyrogenic metamorphism due to caustobiolith (a rock with a fairly high content of organic carbon compounds) combustion at temperatures above 800oC. Their pebble-like shape can be explained by low-temperature hydrothermal alteration of larnite-rich rocks with subsequent weathering. The Jabel Harmun is also the locality where harmunite, nabimusaite and fluormayenite were discovered.
Only one dark-brown larnite pebble contained xenomorphic grains of vapnikite up to 30 microns in size. The dark brown colour of the pebble is due to abundant grains of brownmillerite. Other rock-forming minerals present include ye’elimite and/or minerals of the fluormayenite-fluorkyuygenite series.
Some rock fragments are enriched in fluorellestaditefluorapatite, phosphorus-bearing ternesite, shulamitite, baryte, periclase and barium-bearing nabimusaite. Rarely, these rocks contain oldhamite. In pebbles, vapnikite is often associated with vorlanite.
Vapnikite is transparent with a strong vitreous lustre (MM 78.3.571-581).

Vapnikite from Jebel Harmun - Image

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