





Bastnäsite-(Ce): Ce(CO3)F is the most common member of the bastnäsite group
Bastnäsite-(La): La(CO3)F
Bastnäsite-(Nd): Nd(CO3)F
Bastnäsite-(Y): Y(CO3)F
All of these are anhydrous carbonates containing halogen
Crystal System: They are all hexagonal
Specific gravity: 4.9 to 5.2
Hardness: 4 to 5
Streak: White

Metamorphic environments
Hydrothermal environments

Bastnäsite is most commonly found in metamorphic rocks and pegmatites, associated with allanite, cerite, fluocerite, fluorite and tornebohmite (Mindat).
Localities for bastnäsite group, species unspecified.

In specimens from Ruanda-Urundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, bastnäsite occurs as tabular masses, 5 to 8 millimeters long and about 2 milimeters wide, scattered at random through the rock. Other minerals sparsely distributed through the rock include quartz, pyrite, microcline, biotite and limonite. The entire rock appears to be secondary (AM 30.608-609).

At Itorendrika-Ifasina, Imorona valley, Itremo, Ambatofinandrahana, Amoron'i Mania, Madagascar, bastnäsite occurs in a contact metamorphic zone with the pegmatite facies of alkali-granite. The bastnäsite is most closely associated with chevkinite. Other minerals present are magnesio-riebeckite, aegirine, biotite, hematite, magnetite and rutile (AM 30.612-613).

At Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia, bastnäsite is found with cerite, britholite-(Y), törnebohmite and more abundant allanite, in pebbles in auriferous gravels (AM 30-613).

At Pike's Peak, El Paso county, Colorado, USA, a fist-sized crystalline mass has been found. About half of which is laminated bastnäsite, and the rest of the sample is fluocerite. The fluocerite appears to occur in parallel growth with the bastnäsite in feldspar in a granite pegmatite (AM 30.609=612).

At Jamestown, Jamestown Mining District, Boulder county, Colorado, USA, bastnäsite occurs with cerite and other cerium-bearing minerals along the contact between pegmatite-aplite bodies in granite and inclusions of biotite schist in the granite (AM 30.613).

At the Gallinas Mountains, Red Cloud District, Lincoln county, New Mexico, USA, bastnäsite has been found in fluorite deposits. The Gallinas Mountains are characterised by igneous intrusions which have penetrated granite and overlying sediments. The principal intrusive rocks are prophyritic quartz - monzonite, rhyolite and syenite. The sedimentary rocks are conglomerate, arkose and fine-grained sandstone interbedded with some limestone and siltstone overlying the granite. These underwent slight metamorphism previous to the igneous intrusions. Bastnäsite has been identified as a minor constituent of the fluorite ore in the Conqueror prospects, the Eagles Nest claims, the Eureka mine and the Buckhorn mine. The rockmass in which the bastnäsite occurs is composed largely of an aggregate of interlocking crystals of baryte, bastnäsite, fluorite, quartz, goethite and hematite pseudomorphs after pyrite. Pyrite appears to have been deposited at the same time as the baryte and older fluorite, and at a later period the entire zone was invaded by magmatic emanations rich in fluorine, carbon dioxide and rare earths, at which time a new generation of fluorite and the bastnäsite were deposited. bastnäsite appears to have been one of the last minerals to be deposited. Associated minerals include baryte, barium-rich celestine, calcite, fluorite, goethite, hematite, limonite, orthoclase, pyrite and quartz (AM 30.601-608).

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