





Formula: (Ce,Ca,Sr)CO3(OH,H2O)
Hydrated carbonate containing hydroxyl, ancylite group, cerium- and strontium- bearing mineral
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 4.30
Hardness: 4 to 4½
Colour: Pink in daylight, blue-grey in fluorescent light (Dana)
Solubility: Readily soluble in acids

Plutonic igneous environments
Hydrothermal environments

Calcioancylite-(Ce) is a rare secondary rare-earth mineral that occurs with carbonates and alkali igneous rocks such as syenitic pegmatites (Dana).


At Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, calcioancylite-(Ce) occurs in alkaline igneous rocks (HOM).

At Tvedalen, Larvik, Vestfold og Telemark, Norway, calcioancylite-(Ce) was found as a brown, pulverulent (powdery or crumbly) material occurring as a decomposition product from an unidentified calcium - rare earth element in a syenite pegmatite at the Tuften larvikite quarry. A second occurrence was in a syenite pegmatite in the Treschow larvikite quarry, where the calcioancylite-(Ce) occurs as well developed, pale rose-coloured crystals up to 2 mm across, in vugs associated with epididymite, chiavennite, gadolinite-(Ce), chlorite and zeolites (JWW p157).

In New york city, New York, USA, calcioancylite-(Ce) was discovered with ancylite-(Ce) as crystals on stilbite in rock that was dumped from the excavation of the 63rd Street subway tunnel (R&M 84-3.225).

At its type locality Foote mine, Cleveland county, North Carolina, USA, calcioancylite-(Ce) occurs in lithium pegmatites associated with monazite-(Ce) (Dana). At Cornog, Chester county, Pensylvania, USA, calcioancylite-(Ce) has been found in calcite-lined cavities in an amphibole gneiss-migmatite (similar to alpine cleft minerals of hydrothermal origin), associated with K-feldspar, natrolite, aegirine, catapleiite, perovskite, astrophyllite, titanite, apatite, anatase, synchysite, quartz, calcite, actinolite and pyrite (Dana, HOM).

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