





Formula: CoSbS
Sulphide, löllingite group, paramorph of paracostibite, cobalt and antimony bearing mineral
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 6.89 calculated
Hardness: 6
Colour: Steel grey
Common impurities: Fe,Ni,As

Metamorphic environments
Hydrothermal environments most commonly

Costibite occurs in hydrothermal deposits formed at moderate temperatures, but it is also found in contact metasomatic replacements and in epithermal replacements, as well as in pegmatites (Webmin).


At the type locality, the Consols Mine, Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna county, New South Wales, Australia, costibite occurs intimately intergrown with other hydrothermal sulphides and associated with löllingite, willyamite, dyscrasite, ullmannite and pyrargyrite (HOM ). A section from a museum sample consisted of a zoned crystal of willyamite-ullmannite surrounded by a rim of löllingite. The löllingite contains costibite lamellae up to 0.2 X 1.4 mm that appear to be oriented parallel to the sides of the willyamite-ullmannite crystal. Although some of the costibite lamellae are very nearly in contact with willyamite, there is either löllingite or pyrargyrite between them (AM 55.10-17).

At the Gruvåsen and Getön mines, Persberg district, Filipstad, Värmland, Sweden, costibite occurs in lead-zinc-copper-silver ore deposits remobilised by hydrothermal solutions from later granite emplacement. Associated minerals include nisbite, paracostibite, chalcopyrite, bismuth, pyrrhotite, galena, sphalerite, gersdorffite and ullmannite (HOM).

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