Formula: Na2Al2(LiF4)3
Halide, garnet group
Specific gravity: 2.77
Hardness: 2½ to 3
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless, white
Solubility: Slightly soluble in water. Soluble in sulphuric acid, with generation of HF. Melting point 710°C
Cryolithionite occurs in some granite pegmatites (Webmin, HOM).
At the type locality, the Ivigtut Cryolite deposit, Sermersooq, Greenland, Denmark, cryolithionite is associated
with cryolite, quartz,
fluorite and siderite
At Miass, Russia, cryolithionite is associated with cryolite,
chiolite, pachnolite,
thomsenolite, hydrokenoralstonite
and prosopite HOM.
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