





Formula: MgB3O3(OH)5.5H2O
Hydrated triborate, inderite group, monoclinic paramorph of triclinic kurnakovite
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 1.80 measured, 1.794 calculated
Hardness: 3
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless, white, pink, colourless in transmitted light
Solubility: Insoluble in water, readily soluble in warm, dilute hydrochloric acid

Sedimentary environments

Inderite occurs rarely as a primary mineral in lacustrine borate deposits (HOM).


At the type locality, Deposit No. 7, Mt Kzyl-tau, Inder B deposit and salt dome, Inder, Atyrau Region, Kazakhstan, inderite is found as small, white to pink nodules disseminated in a brick-red clay and associated with hydroboracite. The clay is composed of quartz, calcite and hydrous basic magnesium carbonate (AM 31.71, HOM).

At the Sarıkaya B deposit, Kirka, Seyitgazi District, Eskişehir Province, Turkey, inderite is associated with kurnakovite (HOM).

At Boron, Kern county, California, USA, inderite is associated with borax, ulexite, orpiment and realgar (HOM).

At the Jenifer Mine, U.S. Borax Mine, Kramer Borate deposit, Boron, Kern county, California, USA, inderite is associated with borax, ulexite and realgar (AM 41.927-928 as lesserite).

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