Formula: AuCuTe4
Telluride of gold and
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 8.43 measured, 7.94 calculated
Hardness: 2 to 2½
Colour: Greyish white
Common impurities: Ag,Fe,Sb,S
Magnetism: Non-Magnetic
At the type locality, the Chelopech Au-Cu Mine, Chelopech Municipality, Sofia Province, Bulgaria, kostovite
was found in the replacement copper ore deposit in association with
tennantite, chalcopyrite,
pyrite, native tellurium,
native gold, tellurides,
kesterite and baryte.
Kostovite forms small grains and short veinlets in tennantite and
chalcopyrite. Fine polysynthetic lamellae are characteristic
(AM 51.29-36, HOM).
At the Campbell Mine, Bisbee, Cochise County, Arizona, USA, kostovite was found in the
gold- and tellurium-
bearing replacement copper deposit
Kostovite from the Campbell Mine - Image
At Buckeye Gulch, Alicante, Lake County, Colorado, USA, kostovite was found associated with
tellurium, hessite and
At the Kockbulak mine, Ohangaron District, Tashkent Region, Uzbekistan, kostovite was found associated with
tellurium, altaite,
calaverite, sylvanite,
petzite, hessite,
tellurantimony, melonite,
chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite
and sphalerite
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